الثلاثاء، 29 أكتوبر 2013

the pot calling the kettle black"

You are the pot calling the kettle black when you point to another person and accuse that person of doing something that you are guilty of doing yourself. Example: "You are accusing me of being lazy? Ha! That's the pot calling the kettle black!"

"The pot" (for cooking) and "the kettle" (for boiling water) sit on the stove over the fire and become black from the flames. Example: "I'm tired of you always wearing my clothing!" Answer: "Aren't you the pot calling the kettle black? You're wearing my pants right now!"

The pot and the kettle are like old friends who have turned black with time; the pot only sees the blackness which is on the kettle; he doesn't see the black on himself. Example: "Here comes the guy who is always late for work." Answer: "Aren't you the pot calling the kettle black? You are usually the last person to show up


the pot calling the kettle black"

تقال هذه الجمله على الشخص الذى يتهم غيره بارتكاب شيء خاطئه وهو نفسه يعمل هذا الخطأ


You are accusing me of being lazy

انت متهم بالكسل


Ha! That's the pot calling the kettle black!"

الرد بهذه الجمله يعنى السخريه والقول بانك تفعل ما تتهمنى بفعله

دلاله هذه الكلمات من ان الحله والغلايه كلاهما يوضع على النار ويتحول لونهم الى الاسود فكلاهما مثل بعض


I'm tired of you always wearing my clothing

لقد سئمت من ارتدائك لملابسى

فيكون الرد

Aren't you the pot calling the kettle blackYou're wearing my pants right now

!" "الرد بهذه الجمله يعنى انك تعايرنى بانى ارتدى ملابسك وانت نفسك ترتدى بنطلونى الان

مثال اخر

Here comes the guy who is always late for work."

ها قد جاء من يتاخر دائما

فيرد شخص اخر فيقول

Aren't you the pot calling the kettle black? You are usually the last person to show up!"

اى انه لا تعايب عليه فانت ايضا اخر شخص ياتى هنا

the pot calling kettle black"

via منتديات الوزير التعليمية Arabic Minister Forums, Educational and Networking - Alwazer http://vb1.alwazer.com/t91771.html

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