الثلاثاء، 29 أكتوبر 2013

all in the same boat

People who are all in the same boat must work as a team because they face the same challenges together. Example: "We can't fight against each other. We need to work together. We're all in the same boat!"

When people forget that they are part of a team, we can remind them by saying, "We are all in the same boat". Example: "I'm so busy. I don't know how will get this done." Reply: "You're not the only one with a lot to do. We are all in the same boat."

We are all in the same boat means that we are all like people who are in the same boat so we need to cooperate in order to succeed. Example: "These may be difficult times, but we're all in the same boat. We can get through it together."


ترجمه هذه الجمله

نحن جميعا فى مركب واحد

تقال هذه الجمله للتحدث عن الناس الدين يعملون فى فريق عمل واحد لانهم يواجهون نفس التحديات


We can't fight against each other. We need to work together. We're all in the same boat!"

لا يجب ان نحارب بعضنا فنجن فى حاجه الى ان نتحد فجميعنا فى مركب واحد

عندما ينسى البعض اننا فريق واحد فاننا نستخدم هذه الجمله لتذكيرهم فنقول

We're all in the same boat!"


"I'm so busy. I don't know how will get this done." Reply: "You're not the only one with a lot to do. We are all in the same boat."

انا مشغول جدا ولا ادورى متى يمكننى فعل هذا

الجواب (لست وحدك مشغولا فجميعنا مشغولون _نحن جميعا فى مركب واحد)

فهذه الجمله دلالتها فى اهميه الموقف عندما نكون فى مركب واحد ونحتاج الى التعاون لكى ننجح

all in the same boat

via منتديات الوزير التعليمية Arabic Minister Forums, Educational and Networking - Alwazer http://vb1.alwazer.com/t91759.html

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