الثلاثاء، 29 أكتوبر 2013

How to be positively confident

All what you need to do to destroy people is to make them feel unconfident. Arabs say " A confident individual walks like a king", and I believe they are right since you can notice that people with high self esteem, have a special way of walking. Some people confuse vanity with confidence, and think they are the same. The truth is , confidence is a positive trait while vanity is a negative one. I write this article to show that you can be a confident individual without being puffed in vanity. First, lets agree that being confident is a positive trait that every human being needs to overcome daily life problems. However, taking too much pride in yourself can be a disease. You have to know that confidence can be expressed through words, signs and actions. What I mean here is , you do not have to yell at people to tell them that you are confident. Here is how to stay permanently confident. 1- A confident individual always avoids getting into personal comparisons. Do not say " I' m better than him or I'm smarter". A confident individual only competes against circumstances . Do not compete against others because this will reduce your self confidence. You and others are working under different circumstances and that's why you should avoid personal comparisons. Think about your own problems carefully and find a way to overcome them. 2- A confident individual can not be easily dragged into fights and useless arguments. You should always stay in focus of what is going on. look at the faces of people who go on useless arguments and exchange insults. Do you really want to be like them? Be careful, don't make a joke out of yourself. 3- Do not talk about things you do not know. confident does not mean that you are Wikipedia. I know some people do that to impress girls or catch their professor's attention. Unfortunately, most of the time they end up getting caught. I remember my friend went on a date with an Irish girl. The date was going fine until my friend told the waess that he could speak Spanish to impress his girl . My pompous friend did not know that the waess lived in Mexico until she was twenty years old. I guess you know the rest of the story! My friend's face turned to a beautiful red color and the girl never talked to him again. 4- A confident individual always selects words carefully . You should always think before you say anything. Most people end up regretting what they said because it sounded stupid or hurt someone's feelings. Thinking before talking will keep you out of trouble and simultaneously enhance your self-confidence. 5- A confident individual does not mean that you are perfect. If you think you are perfect , I strongly recommend consulting a psychiatrist. We all make mistakes. This just how humans are and you have to accept this reality. However, Try to take advantage of your mistakes. work on learning from them , and always focus on acquiring new positive habits. 6- Confidence fluctuates. This is a reality too. There are times when you feel worthless and useless. Do not let this idea gets to your brain because this kind of thinking will gradually destroy you. Think logically, and see the positive side of making mistakes. So what if you made another mistake? At least you learned a new lesson. However, Don't make the same mistake again. 7- confident does not mean looking down on people. This is a very common disease! You should always respect people's mentalities, beliefs, opinions and ideas. Do not think that your opinion is always right because only dictators and narrow-minded people do that. Open your heart to people and listen to their opinions. Asking for an opinion or an advice on something will minimize the probability of making mistakes. 8- Finally, Enjoy walking like a king and stay confident

How to be positively confident

via منتديات الوزير التعليمية Arabic Minister Forums, Educational and Networking - Alwazer http://vb1.alwazer.com/t91773.html

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