الثلاثاء، 29 أكتوبر 2013

"out of the blue"

Something that happens out of the blue is sudden and unexpected. Example: "They seemed to be talking calmly when out of the blue she slapped him in the face!"

It is as if suddenly it started raining on a day when the sky was clear and blue. Example: "Why did she do that?" Reply: "I have no idea. It was completely out of the blue."

You are surprised and unprepared when it happens out of the blue. Example: "Did you know they would move you to a different project?" Reply: "Not at all. It was completely out of the blue


هى جمله معناها(فجاه او على غفله)

وتقال للتعبير عن ان هذا الحدث وقع فجاه وعلى غفله


They seemed to be talking calmly when out of the blue she slapped him in the face!"

من الواضح انهم كانوا يتحدثون بهدوء عندما صفعته على وجهه فجأه

فعندما مثلا تكون الشمس مشرقه والسماء صافيه والسماء امطرت فجأه


"Why did she do that

لماذا هى فعلت هذا؟

يكون الجواب

I have no idea. It was completely out of the blue."

ليس عندى فكره انه مفاجىء تماما

تدل ايضا على المفاجأه وعدم توقع الجدث


Did you know they would move you to a different project?"

هل تعرف لماذا انتقلوا لمشروع اخر؟

الاجابه تكون

Not at all. It was completely out of the blue

لا لا اعرف ابدا فانه امر مفاجىء او--out of the blue.

"out of the blue"

via منتديات الوزير التعليمية Arabic Minister Forums, Educational and Networking - Alwazer http://vb1.alwazer.com/t91758.html

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