الثلاثاء، 29 أكتوبر 2013

sink or swim"

"Sink or swim" is a situation where you will either fail or you will find a way to succeed. " Example: "Sales is not an easy job here. We give you two weeks training, then it's sink or swim." If you are thrown into the water, you will either sink to the bottom or you will swim to safety. You will either fail, or you will find a way to succeed, in a situation that is sink or swim. Example: "How do you interview new teachers here?" Reply: "We just put them in with the kids, and see how they do. It's sink or swim." sink or swim" means that you will either succeed, or you will fail completely, at what you are trying to do.


"sink or swim"

هذه الجمله تعنى اما ان تغرق او ان تعوم

وتقال هذه الجمله اذا كنت فى موقف انت يجب عليك ان تختار فيه ان تنجح او تفشل


Sales is not an easy job here. We give you two weeks training, then it's sink or swim."

ان وظيفة المبيعات ليست سهله فامامك مهله اسبوعين حتى تدرب وبعد ذلك اما ان تنجح او تفشل

فمعنى هذه الجمله فى انك اذا كنت فى الماء فاما ان تعوم وتنجو او ان تغرق فى القاع

فانك ستنجو اذا وجدت الطريق الصحيح لتنجح


How do you interview new teachers here?"

كيف تختبرون المدرسون الجديد؟

الجواب يكون

"We just put them in with the kids, and see how they do. It's sink or swim." sink or swim

فنحن نجعلم مع الاطفال والصغار لنرو ماذا سيفعلون واما ان ينجحوا او يفشلوا

ولذلك تستخدم هذه الجمله لتدل على ان الموقف يحتم عليك ان تنجح او تفشل فنقول

It's sink or swim

sink or swim"

via منتديات الوزير التعليمية Arabic Minister Forums, Educational and Networking - Alwazer http://vb1.alwazer.com/t91764.html

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